Friday, September 30, 2011

CELTA week 4

Quick update. Finishing tomorrow!!! We are both passing. Final session with students today - to say goodbye. Then one more class tomorrow and it is all done.
We will be laying low for a couple of days ... a lot to digest and lots of choice to make ... so we'll will be quiet and out of touch for a few more days ...
But all is well. We are (virtually) certificated teachers of English to adults!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

CELTA week 3

OK - so we're a) still alive, and b) still on the course. It has been hectic again with all sorts of things to do. We switched classes this week so both of us had new learners to work with .... Several of our fellow student teachers are struggling and it is sad to see but with only limited time and resources it is a bit of every man for himself. We are definitely growing quickly in our skills and confidence as teachers, but just as we start to get a handle on one thing, there's three more to deal with. The assessors are tough - if anyone complains they simply remind us that we chose an intensive class and so get on with it. Teacher boot camp.
A little extra (well a lot) stress happened when some how or other Andy forgot to clear his photocopier code, and so someone used all his copies .... without any copies left (and they won't let you buy more!???!!!) he had to rely on using Evan's copies very carefully so Evan didn't run out. It may be resolved now but it certainly added another level of stress to not be able to make any handouts or overheads for his classes!!!! It is just like a reality TV show!
One of the highlights was a fellow student making a grammar mistake in a lesson while teaching a class to beginner students on 'yet' and 'just' and the like. This mistake ended up with the sentence "They have not done it in Central Park yet" being written on the board and being spoken aloud for practice by several middle-aged Japanese and Taiwanese ladies. Cue Andy and his fellow students all sitting at the back next to the assessor trying not to curl up!! Sweating bullets!! One teacher cracked and was immediately sent outside and given a talking too!!! Oh, but it was funny!!!!!

One more week and we're done! Huge assignment this weekend - spent most of today on it and will spend most of tomorrow - but if we can hang in one more week we'll be certified teachers of English as a second language..... and then ......

"Follow your bliss" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, September 17, 2011

CELTA update 2

Just finished week 2 - lots more stress and activity but everything is going fine. We both passed the week 2 assessment on written assignments (but both us had to resubmit our written papers) and with our teaching practice, and so have now moved into the next stage of the course. Teaching has become more natural now, and we are getting into the swing of teaching different lessons - reading, writing, listening and speaking. We have learned how to drill and teach correct pronunciation - all interesting but very challenging to learn, understand, begin using and be assessed on using within a day or two. Parts of this week were quite overwhelming - such as the 2 hours lesson that covered all the phonemes in the English language (the individual sounds - not letters - about 36 I think) - their symbols, how each of the sounds, and how to drill/teach each one. So now we are assessing language at this level!!!
So, it has been quite challenging, but there have been some great parts too. We are enjoying the students very much and meeting people from all over the world. We have graphic designers, businessmen, and doctors learning English from us!!! The teaching model is very much communication based - and so it is interesting in how we are taught to teach - our talking time as teachers is meant to be very limited and the students are set up by us in different ways to talk as much as possible.
Anyway, that's all we've been doing. Nothing else!! Another assignment and lesson planning this weekend, plus possibly some more grammar revision (transitive verbs and superlatives anyone?!).... but we're fine - tired, overwhelmed, but fine (and having a little fun too).

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined." (Thoreau)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

CELTA update 1

Week 1 is done - whew!!!!
We really hit the ground running - even met students on the first day and started assessed teaching on the second day. We have both taught two lessons already - Andy is with the intermediate students and Evan is with the beginners. We have passed both sessions! Yea!

There is also a ton of English language and teacher training work - the first two days were very very stressful but we are now getting into the groove a little more now and feeling a it more confident. The pace is intense and if you got behind it would be very difficult to catch up - assignments and detailed lesson planning each night - so we are getting home about 8:30 or so.
Actually our day is a little like this - up at 5:30; leave house at 6:40 to cross into Canada just as the Nexus line opens (those Nexus cards are great!) - arrive at school about 8:15 - one hour of prep time and homework/study before classes start (things like phonology; language analysis, vocab etc) - an hour lunch then lesson feedback and assignment, teaching begins at 3:15 - 5:30 - 45 min sessions - we teach for 45 min and then observe/critique other student teachers. Then feedback and a bit more teaching and we are usually done around 6:00 - another hour to hour and a half to gather prep materials for the next day and start lesson planing - leave Vancouver around 7:15-7:30. Dinner at home and then a bit more work - practice and support to each other....

However, we have actually started to enjoy ourselves!!! The English language learners are great and really excited to be learning with us - they come from many countries - including Chile, Czech Rep, Russia, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Egypt, Iran and Spain! And we are doing OK with it too. Feels good.

Friday night was the time to relax!!!! An episode of Project Runway (aahh Becky!) and a beer.

It does feel rather like a reality TV show - the Apprentice or something - everyone running around and trying not to get sent home!!!

Send us good vibes!
"Surviving is important; thriving is elegant" (Maya Angelou)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

On Your Marks, Get Set, GO!!!

OK, seriously, there is nothing like this feeling. We want all of this so badly yet it is so scary too. Today was our final day at our jobs. We are prepping for the start of the course on Tuesday, and tomorrow will be a "retreat day" to ground and center. Yesterday, our dog walker, the son of Andy's boss, came over for orientation. This past Tuesday we did a practice run up to Vancouver. Both things went great. Colorado loves her new friend and the treats he gives her, and our Nexus passes made the border a sinch. Not to mention that the time we leave at seems to put us just ahead of Vancouver traffic... beautiful... perfect. We already have a special coffee shop right by school where we can study before class starts, and it seems we have all our ducks in a row. The Universe is clearly conspiring with us at this point, so it is all systems go! So, yeah, we are freaked out; by freaked out we mean scared and excited all at once with each emotion sort of coming in waves over the other (and with a bunch of other stuff mixed in). But it is so awesome. It's like getting ready to go on a big trip abroad only the sensations are doubled since we have no clue where we are going or when we are coming back.

Our trip to Portland with Mom and Nick was the perfect start to this adventure; a good time was had by all. Just as we predicted, it has been a bit of a snowball effect with all our plans and systems in place and just allowing them to unfold. As an FYI, this course is super intense. We will be in class for something like 130 hours over the next month, and we are told to expect 20-30 hours of homework per week on top of that, so we will be out of touch with everyone until the course finishes. We are sorry, but that is how it has to be to make this happen. We will try to do a mid-course update here on the blog. Our love to all of you. Thank you for your support in this. We are truly grateful to all of you, to ourselves, and to the Universe for all the opportunities opening up even as we type!

So... signing off for now... here we go

"Believe in Yourself and all that you are. Know that there is Something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson