Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We're off!

Tuesday morning; hotel in Bellingham ...

Today we catch the shuttle bus with our 4 rather large bags to Seattle. We're up early trying to check in for our flights. General feeling - shell-shocked. Nervous? Excited? No, exhausted!

Andy finished work on Friday while Evan did last minute errands(lots). Friday night we painted. Saturday, up early, we painted ALL DAY - until about 8:30 pm when we went and watched trashy TV with our friend Frances. Sunday, up even earlier, we packed the bags, finished packing the condo, rented a U-Haul truck, loaded everything in and took it all to storage, did a bit more painting, and collapsed on Frances' couch for more trashy TV - including a new favorite - 'My Strange Addiction' (a guy having a sexual relationship with his car, a woman addicted to snorting baby powder, a cat food addict....) (made us feel a bit better about the crazy situation we found ourselves in) (thank you Frannie). Yesterday we finished painting and cleaned the condo from top to bottom, then put final things in storage, including the car, and got a taxi from the storage facility to the hotel - arriving here a little before 10 pm.


We fly tomorrow early morning - and then .....

Thanks to those that helped us along the way the last few weeks - especially Frances for all the dinners and sodas and wines and TV. For those we didn't get to speak to or see - our apologies. It has really been incredibly busy - packing, cleaning and leaving the condo, organizing to rent it out, and getting ready to re-locate to another country. We had the best intentions to see everyone and say goodbye - but we just had time to complete everything (with about 1 1/2 hours to spare) ....

Next blog (if this site is not blocked) will be from Shanghai, China!!! We did it!!!

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear" (Ambrose Redmoon)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Total Craziness

OK... so.... it has been (and continues to be) absolutely insane. One can't even imagine all that goes into moving countries. We have had to hire a property manager, sort out "landlord agreements" with utility companies, get visas, rent a storage unit, coordinate storing with moving with our flights and visa requirements... plus we have to pack everything to take to China in the midst of it all. We've opened a safe deposit box (how grown up), a private mailbox, and set up a google voice number so we don't miss any calls from people at the utility companies or any other company that didn't believe us when we phoned in and said this had to be sorted right away. Of course, that meant changing the phone number with all the companies... we can only hope the changes took! Anyhow... you'll all be spared any more boring details; just know that we have been working hard, and one week from today will arrive in Shanghai to begin our new adventure! Many more exciting posts to come. It really is amazing to know that this is actually happening and that it is because we simply decided to do it.

"The day you decide to do it is your lucky day." -Japanese Proverb