Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kick boxing journalists and we find out why we are so clever

We are so enjoying our time in Nepal. It is a wonderful country and we are both surprised we like it as much as we do. Next blog we will tell you why ....

However, more importantly our Nepail movie experience .....
Saturday was our day off, so we met up with the two blind therapists we have become friends with to go to the local movie theatre - a morning showing of what apparently is The Big Movie of the moment - sounds like "sel-see-a" (which is roughly translated as relationships). We had to go in the morning as the therapists work everday from around 11:00. Anyway, after another awakening cup of Nepali coffee at their apartment (we are now braving local buses by ourselves - and not getting overcharged to boot - quite an accomplishment in itself really) (Actually Evan was quite impressive shouting "rocknus" to get the bus to stop at the right place... (Andy was watching the cows at the time)) we headed off to the movie theatre. Extremely busy, but got more pricey seats in the balcony (30 rupees (=25c/20p) and settled down. It was really really fun. We described the on-screen action - "The girl is running down the street" "The hero is having his legs hacked off" etc.. while they translated the words "Ah, I think she is going to die. Yes, I think she is to commit suicide". Worries about making too much noise were quickly gone as the packed theatre is more of a community event - so we booed the bad guys, hooted and hollered with the 'sexy dancing' (oh yes, we got sexy dancing and singing as well as blood, action, romance and comedy) and cheered when the heros dashed in to save the girls again.
Very complicated plot, basically two heros and two heroines/damsels in distress. Hero 1 was a journalist who was a mean kick boxer and all around most excellent street fighter. Really quite impressive in a journalist - not your Peter Sissons/Peter Jennings type journalist. Hero 2 was more your everyday kind of guy (but also really good at fighting - perhaps not quite as good as the journalist who could stop blades with his hands and stuff like that). Anyway, best bits were hero 1 coming out of a coma to stop the thugs beating his mother up, hero 2 taking the sword intended for the main heroine and dying dramatically, and perhaps the best of all, was heroine 2 (after kissing hero 2 with lips BEFORE marriage) quickly being overcome with 'blood cancer' and dropping dead with a trail of blood from her mouth. The moral here, boys and girls ..... What was quite interesting was the cultural differences in our expectations of a movie. In the USA/UK, elderly mothers don't get beaten by thugs, heroines don't actually get raped, heros and heroines don't die, and everything doesn't stop for a song and a bout of sexy dancing from the heroines. Anyway, had a brilliant time. Much fun. Highly recommended. Andy can also sing the theme tune if anyone is interested......
After the movie, we explored some of the old town which is pretty much un-touristed. Spent some time at a little musuem explaing about the local customs and culture, and then wandered around - old temples, old newari style buildings, local shops. One of the temples (200 years + old) had amazingly erotic carvings all around it ... not just the usual shabang, but solo, threesomes, and animal-human pairings .... (yes, we took some detailed snaps ........ :>).

Back at the clinic, the students continue to progress - another test today on fractures, dislocations and sprain/strains. They are all doing well and so much fun to work with - so motivated. We were having them each pose questions to us and the other students about the material, and if they asked us a questions we couldn't answer they would get an extra point in the pop quiz. One of the female students asked us "Which one of you is not a massage therapist?" which was quite funny. An intersting (joke) theory proposed by one of the male students as to why we're so smart (?!) was that we are clever because we are fat! An interesting theory. Also possibly a really fun research project....
We plan to have our new friends over for some good old fashioned Western food tomorrow - mashed potatoes and tuna melts!!!! Let's see what they think of that. We have also been invited to a wedding anniversary next week!

Until next time; we are very well and very happy!
"Most of us have an idea of how we think our days should go. We want nights of undisturbed sleep, regular meals and calm homes with a certain amount of order. But in our quest for order we sometimes overlook the fact that some of the most important moments of our lives our unplanned. Through the cracks in our days often come life and love, and moments of connection." (Mary Beth Davidson)

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