Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Keeping On

We’ve been working this week on a thorough plan for our Dominican Republic trip. It’s going well, though taking a bit longer than we’d thought. We have pretty much ruled out the southwestern portion of the country due to a lack of tourism and accessibility. There is a lot left to plan, but we are still on course to be set and ready for our nearing departure date.

Andy continues his volunteering. The dog walking at the Humane Society is still going strong, while the Literacy Council winds down; one student has decided to leave the program having put in a solid two years, and the other has moved away. Andy is considering increasing his time spent with the dogs both because there is a great need, and because he thoroughly enjoys it!

Also this week, Evan made an announcement to his mom; we had eluded to the fact that he has been doing quite a bit of learning, but we have held back on the specifics, because it was important to him to settle into this new pursuit without outside influence. The short version is that he is completing his bachelor’s degree. This week is spring break, so he has spent some time away from studies and now is getting organized for next term: sex and gender, primate studies, statistics, and social psychology. He was already half way to a degree, and since returning to his studies, he has completed two terms at this university. The degree he is completing is in Anthropology/Sociology (Anthropology emphasis) with a minor in Religious Studies.

We are spending more time enjoying the lovely place we live as well as focusing on lovely places abroad. In that vein, we went out the Mt. Baker Highway to an eagle nesting park yesterday. We missed the season to see the eagles, but it was beautiful and scenic, and it felt really good to be somewhere so lovely having traveled only 20minutes from home.

"and if we are not willing to listen to our own voices, then why should anyone else bother?" (Toinette Lippe)

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