Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Can't Stop Us Now!

Things are all coming down the pipeline hard and fast now. It turns out that Evan was able to participate in commencement since he had so few units left to complete; this is apparently the way it is done; if one is to graduate in the summer, he walks in the spring commencement ceremony. Evan decided to participate for a certain sense of closure and accomplishment, though the proper celebration will take place in August. This marked another milestone in our journey, and it seems everything is happening very quickly now. Andy's parents returned home safely. Next we are off to the UK for a bit, then we have only a month or so before quitting our jobs, completing the CELTA, and taking off! There is much to do practically speaking, so we have posted a color coded list on the fridge of items to be completed each month until out departure.

Our NEXUS interviews are scheduled for after we return from the UK, so we will have those passes in time for the course. Andy's parents have excitedly agreed to caretake for Colorado while we teach, so the arrangements for her to move to the UK are also being finalized. Evan's 33rd birthday was this week, so that was a highlight (fleeting, as they all are with so much excitement), and now it is all about packing and cleaning up for the trip. Andy has already told his supervisor about our plans, and she was graciously supportive and hopes he'll return to work when we are in Bellingham.

With all that said, it is time to sign off and get on with things.... in the spirit of a lecture we went to on Evan's birthday, we are going to WALK OUT and WALK ON! Our next post will be from England.

"No one is coming to help. Now what?" - Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze, Walk Out Walk On

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