Friday, October 28, 2011

UK, China and beyond ....

Time for a brief update on where we are at as we prepare to head off to the UK. It has continued to be a busy time despite the fact that we thought we would have some time off after completing the CELTA certification class. Well we didn't! There has been a lot more to do than we anticipated but we are bringing it all together now.
We are excited about time in the UK - we will be there for a while with Colorado. Part of our preparing to leave is visiting lots of our favorite places together - beaches, parks, free dog treat suppliers, ..... We will be able to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night in the UK - something Evan has never been there for. And lots of time to relax there - plus a last minute Mediterranean jaunt somewhere .... Colorado is looking forward to all the cakes and cookies she will be getting from various family members.
Other big news - Andy sold his very trusted 1995 Toyota on Wednesday to a young man who will look after it well. It was sad to see the car go - Andy bought it within a week or so of arriving in California 15 years ago and it has been everywhere with us - 248,000 miles later it is still running great.
The most exciting news is that we have job offer in Asia (more than one!) - we applied to seven or eight companies in Japan, China and Taiwan, of those we heard back from we chose to interview with three, and now it is decision time.... and while we haven't made our final decision, the front runner is .... SHANGHAI!!!!! Evan was offered a job with children (pre-school and up) and Andy with adults! A start date would be sometime in February. Keep tuned....

So while we are sad to be taking off from Bellingham for a while but we will be back soon. Wish us luck!

"Listen to your heart. It knows all things because it came from the source of the world, and it will return there one day." (Paolo Coelho "The Alchemist")

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