Friday, December 16, 2011

Ukeleles, Mandarin and Cardiff .....

Things have been relaxing here in the UK. Have spent several days going for long walks in the country or along the sea front, visiting friends, reading and talking. Evan has been leaning the ukelele, including some Christmas songs. We are also progressing with our Mandarin learning, and while still only very much at the beginner stage, are also now feeling a little bit more confident and that it is starting to make a little more sense now.

On the Shanghai front, all our papers are in and have now gone for visa processing. The original time frame of February is still looking good, and it has all gone quiet now as we wait for the processing time (about 30 days is the general length it takes).

But not ones to sit still for long, Evan found a very cheap car rental option and so we are off on a road trip for the next few days - first stop is Cardiff, Wales. Evan has always wanted to see Wales, and after we made friends with a fellow CELTA (English language) teacher from there, it was our first choice. So in a couple of hours, we're off! Back in time for Christmas.

That's all for now.

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