Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back in the USA - and getting ready to go again

Just a quick update. We're back in the States for a few weeks and busy sorting everything out to be able to leave soon. We had both been able to pick up some shifts at work to supplement the funds as our departure nears. Our visa approval notices for China arrived last week and we sent our passports and various other forms down to the embassy in Los Angeles for processing - they are now on their way back to us. Once we get the visas back, we can book our flights to Shanghai. It looks pretty certain that we will be arriving in Shanghai around the 16th February. We are starting to get a lot more information now from our employer there and there seems to be several other teachers arriving around the same time. Our first couple of weeks there will involve finding an apartment, opening a bank account and completing more requirements for a residency permit and work authorization, as well as orienting to our new work place. The company we are working for seem very organized and helpful with the whole process. So far so good!

Settling back into Bellingham has been strange - after being in the UK for so long it is taking some time to get back into the swing of it here - including remembering to look the correct way when we cross the road. There has been a lot of snow and bad weather this week - indeed it started to snow within five minutes of us getting back into the condo last week. After a week of snow, it is finally clearing up today. We are both missing Colorado so much. Keep expecting her to show up around the condo or greet us when we come home. She has settled in well in the UK, but we still miss her and that is the hardest part of this whole process.

We'll keep the blog updated as plans get a bit more finalized. We are both excited and nervous, but on the whole looking forward to this next adventure!

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