Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year Update

Well just a brief update - we have been laying a little low over the holiday season (which is a little celebrated here) while we have been preparing to move on. Christmas Day was a typical day here, but we did have the day off -so lunch at Marks and Spencers! and some BBC TV via the internet! New Year's Day - we went on a long walk by the sea and along the Huangpo River and evening fireworks. No recent travels since the last post.

Since then we have given notice on the apartment and pur jobs, and will be leaving China at the beginning of March - we finish our contracts mid February, but because of various delays with money, etc (China ...) we are staying a couple more weeks on a tourist visa - some holiday time in China.

In the meantime, we have some leave to take - so in a week and a half we fly to Southern China for a few days - to spend some time on two warm islands - Xiamen and Gulang Yu - both very pretty and WARM - Shanghai is cold and damp and a bit snowy!

While we have been looking forward to leaving China and having some new adventures now we are definitely going we both feel sad and .... well maybe w'll come back again in the future - though not to Shanghai - to be truthful, although Shanghai is a crazy, busy metropolis we have actually pefered to quiter,more historical cities like Xian, Beijing and Nanjing to the all-out energy of Shanghai. Also, Andy especially has been really into learning Chinese - fairly fluent now including some basic reading and writing (typing)! Zen me yang?!!

Happy New Year. More to follow after our Xiamen/Gulang Yu trip.

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