Thursday, October 21, 2010

Goodbye and Hello

We have finally moved! After the last entry there had been more delays and we were letting go and wondering if we were ever actually going to move. We had heard stories of deals falling through up to the day before. So, 8:00 am Monday morning we took Colorado for her morning walk and thought about if we would move soon; by 9:00 am the move was on and it was happening the next day!!! So in short we have spent the last three days in a crazy hectic blur of activity!! And we have moved.

Our last day at the house was on Tuesday, and we did our very best to leave the house clean and welcoming. We performed a closing ritual and said goodbye to all the memories and energies there, and although sad it was fairly easy in the end to close the door and walk away. Andy spent one more moment in the hammock in the orchard under the prayer flags; a walk around the garden - such a mixed blessing! and we were gone (except Andy had to go back quitely a 6:00 am the next day to pick up the Native American axe head left by the moving van...).

The first night in the new place was an exhausted blur (Frances had dog-sat Colorado and made dinner for us); yesterday we got to set up the basic furniture and the internet and phone, and last night we had the skylights open in bed and could see the full moon shining down at us! A real surprise! Neighbors have been friendly and we have already established a routine of a short detour on Colorado's morning walk via the local coffee shop a few minutes away! Bit more our style.

We are enjoying the fire place, the big window (we still have a Mount Baker view), the balcony, the ice maker, the skylights, the garage, the fast internet connection and the stair lift...!!! That's right - we have a stair lift on the interior (garage entrance) stairs - quite fun - we'll never have to wlak up stairs again (though you have to have plenty of time to ride it- plan on an extra 20 minutes to get out of the house) - visitors will now be entertained with our own carnival ride.....

Time to unpack some more.....

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" (Semisonic)

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