Thursday, October 14, 2010


We are practicing surrendering to the process. Sometimes situations evolve to a point where we can best take power by recognizing we are not the ultimate authority on the matter.

This has been our theme during this moving process. Our closing date was again delayed because banks and FHA needed more tests and paperwork, and since we have done everything on our end, we have just been waiting and recognizing that everything unfolds as it should. It looks like we will close on Tuesday, and we hope we will. If we don't, though, that's ok too. We have a home, and that is more than many can say, so we are grateful.

In addition to waiting, we have been enjoying our time living out of boxes by eating out more and spending a lot of time doing new things. Since cooking is a challenge with most things packed, we have endulged in meals out more often. We have also spent every day off looking for new things to do like visitng Larrabee State Park. When we first moved here, we went to Larrabee but didn't want to pay to get in, but a few years ago, the courts decided that people shouldn't have to pay twice for park admission; since its funded by taxes, no more admission fees. Gorgeous new beach to have a Trader Joes picnic on... Lovely!

We are using this time to focus on transition. Specifically, we are contemplating the tarot cards for the hanged man and death- these two represent the stages we are in well. It is a time to grieve what we are saying goodbye to and to prepare for a new way of being. We kept that in mind and tried to hold an attitude of somber contemplation while completing the final walk through of what we hope will be our new condo last night.

Our dear friend, Frances, has been a great help by having us over frequently in the last week or two for a meal and good movie or tv show. We really enjoy this respite.

Our next blog may or may not be from our new condo; time and the will of the gods shall tell!!!

"Birth and death are not two different states, but they are different aspects of the same state" -Gandhi

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