Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The best bus ride ever ... to Pucon

New life motto - If you have a choice between semi and full cama, always go for the full.

Feet first on the freeway/motorway is a more relaxing experience than is possible to imagine.
Here is a picture of Andy going full cama for the first time:

There were 9 of us in this luxury position (!) - it felt quite like I imagine flying first class on a plane would, as all the other passengers were looking in and trying to see who was doing the full. Even looking through the windows (we pulled the curtains closed naturally!). The one embarassing moment was when the conductor came around with chilled bottles of juice - Andy went for the pineapple, but had to give it back when he was asked to pay for it! Could almost see all the other full cama passengers nodding their heads and smiling at this new upstart in the full cama aisle....

Anyway, now we are in Pucon (though still not sure how to say it - Pu-son, Pu-con, Puke-on....) and it is really lovely - and we shall be going to explore the lake and the beach and the volcano and the hotsprings and the coffee shops ......... and relaxing ... aahhhh.

Lots of new photos added to the last few entries too!!

1 comment:

  1. Full cama - it's the only way apparently! I love the pictures! Keep 'em coming! Enjoy the adventures as they come! XXOO
