Thursday, September 3, 2009

Santiago arrival

Our first day in Chile .... Everything was smooth sailing with the various buses, flights, and connections, although Miami airport still fails to inspire. It is amazing how long it took to get here - in the end about 13 hours of flight time (eight of which were lost in a sleeping pill daze ... works everytime - although we nearly missed breakfast! Oh no!!). The airport charges a hefty 131 dollar ´reciprocity fee´as the USA government charges that to Chileans coming to the USA. Easy transfer through Santiago to our hotel this morning.We are staying at an interesting hotel called Hostal Rio Amazonas, which is like a mixture of mock tudor and colonial style mansion-esque, complete with leaded windows, stained glass and little turrets. It´s actually really nice, funky in a not way too funky way.

Although jet lagged we have been out exploring a little - the Plaza des Armas, the central market, wandering around downtown, and the cathedral. The market was very interesting - mainly fresh seafood, so lots of fish, clams, and the like including octopuses (octopusi?) and razor clams and some unknowables too. Of course, found some time for coffee and cakes! Also had to buy some undershirts as Chile is .... (corny joke time) a bit chilly. There, that´s done. Santiago is very European, and you could easily think you are wandering around a city in Spain or Portugal.

Tonight we are heading into the Barrio Bellavista district for some hip action! Well, maybe a nice meal and a drink. Tomorrow we´ll explore some more, and head to Easter Island on Saturday !!!!!

1 comment:

  1. 1)Miami airport just plain sucks
    2)Congrats on making so far from home
    3)Please take a picture at Easter Island of you picking one of the statues noses (for posting @
    4)have a wonderful time & take lots of pictures
    5)chilly joke aside, I love the updates!
